Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Genesa of marble in Trenggalek because :
1. The existence of the limestone that is happening because of the existence of the limestone that came from the Campurdarat Formation and the Member of the Wonosari Formation that be aged Miosen.
2. Because of the existence of the influence of the pressure (metamorphism because of the influence of the pressure) that is happening because of the limestone unit was in the underside from the Campurdarat Formation afterwards was dealt with by the other rock unit that is by from the Jalen Formation, Formasi Wuni, Formasi Nampol and the Wonosari Formation
3. Because of the influence of the temperature (metamorphism because of the influence of the temperature) that is happening because of the limestone intrusion by the igneous rock and because of the structure of geology (fault/fracture) intensively

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Location of marble in Trenggalek

In the area of Trenggalek, East Java often was encountered marble with various colour features. The result of exploration, location of marble in Trenggalek as :

1. Prambon Kecamatan Tugu, the white colour greyish, the reserve 1.2 million ton
2. Srabah Kecamatan Tugu, the red colour, white, the reserve 2.1 million ton
3. Karangaanyar Kecamatan Gandusari, the red colour, white, the reserve 17.8 million ton
4. Kecamatan Gandusari, the colour of cream, the reserve 89.3 million ton
5. Nglebeng Kecamatan Panggul, the white colour, black totol grey, the reserve 6.6 million ton
6. Kertosono Kecamatan Panggul, the white colour, the reserve 1 million ton
7. Besuki Kecamatan Panggul, the white colour, the reserve 11.6 million ton
8. Jogadi Kecamatan Dongko, the black colour greyish, the reserve 192.3 million ton
9. Pandean Kecamatan Dongko, the grey colour, the reserve 70 million ton

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Marble including in the group of the industrial mineral. Marble was the rock that came from the limestone or dolomite that experienced the process of the pressure, the temperature and for a long time. This rock had the unified characteristics, solid, without layered and showed the existence of the process of the re-crystallisation.
Whereas the additional mineral was quartz, talc, klorit, amphibol, pirit, piroksen, hematite, graphite. These minerals will give the pattern of the frightening colour of being varied, for example marble kalsit pure was white, the existence of the graphite mineral gave the pink colour
Based on the main mineral component and genetic of marble was divided into two kinds that is :
- Marble onyx that is kalsit kristalian that was formed from the solution to cold water and generally was encountered in limestone caves
- Marble verde-antique that is serpentin masif that was cut by veins of quartz
The use of marble for the need of the exterior more was liked that had patterns of the soft or coloured obviously. Marble in the wild had several colour sorts there is one that is white, grey, black, red, crem.
Later marble was utilised not only in the form of the plaque that was rubbed/polish to shone but was formed in such a way to a handicraft, for example to become the table, foot the table, the place of cigarettes, the place washed the hands, etc.. The handicraft industry was often encountered in the Besole Tulungagung area.
The marble market tended more was affected by planning appetite of the building (the architect) and the individual, moreover was determined by comparation his colour.
Indonesia had the quite big but new marble reserve a small part that were made an effort to get, and in the area of Trenggalek East Java often was encountered marble with various colour features
Marmer termasuk dalam kelompok bahan galian industri, sering disebut juga batu pualam.
Marmer adalah batuan yang berasal dari batugamping atau dolomit yang telah mengalami proses tekanan, temperatur dan dalam waktu yang lama. Batuan ini mempunyai ciri kompak, padat, tanpa perlapisan dan menunjukkan adanya proses rekristalisasi.
Sedangkan mineral tambahan adalah kuarsa, talk, klorit, amphibol, pirit, piroksen, hematit, grafit. Mineral-mineral tersebut akan memberikan pola warna yang sangar beragam, sebagai contoh marmer kalsit murni berwarna putih, adanya mineral grafit memberikan warna merah muda.
Berdasarkan komponen mineral utama dan mulajadinya marmer dibagi dalam dua jenis yaitu :
- marmer onyx yaitu kalsit kristalian yang terbentuk dari larutan air dingin dan umumnya dijumpai di gua-gua batugamping
- marmer verde-antik yaitu serpentin masif yang dipotong oleh urat-urat kuarsa
Penggunaan marmer untuk keperluan eksterior lebih disukai yang mempunyai pola-pola warna yang lembut atau berwarna terang. Marmer di alam ada beberapa macam warna ada yang putih, abu-abu, hitam, merah, crem.
Belakangan marmer dipergunakan tidak hanya dalam bentuk lempengan yang digosok/poles menjadi mengkilat tetapi dibentuk sedemikian rupa menjadi suatu kerajinan tangan, misalnya menjadi meja, kaki meja, tempat rokok, tempat cuci tangan, dll. Industri kerajinan tangan banyak dijumpai di daerah Besole Tulungagung.
Pasar marmer cenderung lebih dipengaruhi oleh selera perancang bangunan (arsitek) dan perseorangan, selain itu ditentukan oleh tampilan warnanya.
Indonesia memiliki cadangan marmer cukup besar tetapi baru sebagian kecil yang telah diusahakan.
Di daerah Trenggalek Jawa Timur banyak dijumpai marmer dengan berbagai corak warna. Lokasi di Trenggalek adalah sebagi berikut :
1. Prambon Kecamatan Tugu, warna putih keabu-abuan, cadangan 1,2 juta ton
2. Srabah Kecamatan Tugu, warna merah, putih, cadangan 2,1 juta ton
3. Karangaanyar Kecamatan Gandusari, warna merah, putih, cadangan 17,8 juta ton
4. Jajar Kecamatan Gandusari, warna krem, cadangan 89,3 juta ton
5. Nglebeng Kecamatan Panggul, warna putih, hitam totol abu-abu, cadangan 6,6 juta ton
6. Kertosono Kecamatan Panggul, warna putih, cadangan 1 juta ton
7. Besuki Kecamatan Panggul, warna putih, cadangan 11,6 juta ton
8. Jogadi Kecamatan Dongko, warna hitam keabu-abuan, cadangan 192,3 juta ton
9. Pandean Kecamatan Dongko, warna abu-abu, cadangan 70 juta ton